Форум любителей сиба-ину |
| Нужен перевод!! | |
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Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Нужен перевод!! 20.12.11 20:31 | |
| commento allo standard dello shiba
( II commento è tratto dal manuale tecnico dello Shiba edito in Giappone )
Lo Shiba è un piccolo cane con forte ossatura. La sua utilizzazione originale era la caccia effettuata nelle zone montuose, ricche di vegetazione sottoboschiva. La sua funzione era quella di trovare la selvaggina e quindi di farla " alzare " o fuggire verso il cacciatore. Per far ciò doveva essere piccolo, per infilarsi in ogni cespuglio, ma anche robusto e battagliero in caso di incontro con prede aggressive e pericolose. Lo Shiba non è velocissimo, ma resistente e tenace ; pur essendo capace di spiccare balzi altissimi e di raggiungere velocità impressionanti per brevissimi tratti. Da questi presupposti lo standard dello Shiba descrive un cane robusto, piccolo, estremamente fiero, vivacissimo, sempre vigile e fedele all'uomo. La sua muscolatura deve essere ben sviluppata e la sua ossatura potente. L'unico carattere di eleganza è il movimento rapido e scattante. Lo Shiba è un cane la cui lunghezza deve essere il 10% in più dell'altezza per cui è inscritto in un rettangolo. Lo standard non cita nessun altra possibilità e la considera proporzione importante. Il carattere dello Shiba è estremamente forte e fiero. La sua attenzione è continua ed è estremamente vigile. E' naturale una sua diffidenza nei confronti degli sconosciuti, in particolare nei maschi, i quali hanno una spiccata e naturale tendenza a difendere il loro territorio ed in particolare se stessi dagli estranei: animali, persone o cose non ha molta importanza. Se quindi incontriamo uno Shiba che ci guarda fisso mentre tentiamo di accarezzarlo e, caso mai, fa due passi indietro, non sta dimostrando timidezza, ma è opportuno evitare di toccarlo, la reazione potrebbe essere piuttosto aggressiva e violenta. Uno Shiba che fugge a testa bassa senza reazioni per eccesso di timidezza, è gravemente penalizzabile e comunque non dovrebbe essere utilizzato in riproduzione.
TESTA La testa dello Shiba è costituita da un insieme di triangoli piuttosto appuntiti, dove è espressa tutta la fierezza di questo piccolo grande cane. La fronte è piuttosto larga e leggermente arrotondata, le guance sono molto pronunciate, la larghezza del cranio dovrebbe essere circa 56-58 % della lunghezza complessiva della testa, gli assi cranio- facciali sono paralleli. Lo stop deve essere definito ma non eccessivamente accentuato con solco mediano visibile chiaramente, ma senza assolutamente formare rughe.
La canna nasale è diritta, il muso è spesso, ma non troppo e termina decisamente a punta. Il muso è circa il 40 % della lunghezza totale della testa. Le labbra sono sottili, aderenti e ben serrate con ben visibile il pigmento che deve essere rigorosamente nero su tutta la sua superficie. Il mento è forte ed i denti sono grossi e forti, non visibili a bocca chiusa, ma appena nascosti dalle labbra. La chiusura è a forbice.
Considerando la dentatura, lo standard non la prevede completa anzi, alla sezione "difetti” precisa che solo la mancanza di numerosi denti costituisce difetto. Questa anomalia, infatti è assai più frequente della precedente.. Lo standard antecedente il 1992 prevedeva la tolleranza fino a cinque denti mancanti, attualmente è sparito il numero, sostituito dalla parola " numerosi " .Viene prevista quindi la mancanza, ma lascia una certa libertà al giudice. Esempio: Un cane mancante di sei denti con il precedente standard doveva venire penalizzato anche se costruito perfettamente ed estremamente tipico , Attualmente sarà il giudice a decidere penalizzare i denti o premiare la correttezza e tipicità del soggetto.. Gli occhi sono scurissimi con rima palpebrale rigorosamente nera. Mediamente piccoli, ben distanziati, a forma nettamente triangolare. Gli angoli esterni sono rivolti verso l’alto a formare una linea immaginaria che si prolunga fino a toccare esattamente la parte più bassa dell’attaccatura dell’orecchio. La forma triangolare è data da una piccola piega posizionata sotto il sopracciglio che viene cosi messo in rilievo, normalmente il pelo di questo punto è leggermente più chiaro o più scuro a seconda del mantello del cane. Tale forma dell'occhio contribuisce a donare la particolare e caratteristica espressione che contraddistingue lo Shiba.
Le orecchie sono piccole, spesse e pelose, di forma triangolare, inclinate in avanti seguendo la curvatura del collo. Devono essere fermamente diritte, puntate in avanti, con attaccatura alta e laterali al cranio. Lo spazio della fronte deve essere ampio e ben visibile tra le orecchie.
Cranio stretto, fronte troppo tonda o troppo piatta, assi cranio- facciali tendenti alla divergenza o convergenti (più raro). Stop eccessivamente accentuato o inesistente, mancanza di solco mediano, presenza di rughe sulla fronte, pelle eccessivamente lassa. Muso troppo lungo o leggero, muso troppo spesso o non a punta, labbra pesanti. Occhio troppo piccolo, non triangolare ( normalmente in occhi troppo a mandorla o tondi ) troppo ravvicinato, angolo esterno con la linea di continuazione fuori dalla base dell’orecchio (troppo alta o troppo bassa) . Orecchie grandi, troppo poco pelose o sottili, non inclinate in avanti o troppo ravvicinate , punte troppo rivolte all’esterno del cranio (tipo Malamute) , troppo appuntite.
La struttura dello Shiba evidenzia tutta la potenza e animosità di questo piccolo cane. Il collo è grande, forte e robusto fortemente muscoloso, ben proporzionato alla testa e al tronco con attaccature pulite, ed impercettibili, la pelle è morbida, il pelo è foltissimo, spesso e uniforme, il sottopelo è spesso ed estremamente denso (è quasi impossibile toccare la pelle o vederla anche aprendolo in superficie) e contribuisce a dare maestosità alla testa. Questa conformazione risulta assolutamente indispensabile per affrontare le insidie e gli attacchi eventuali di animali anche di molto più grossi e potenti che proprio per il particolare tipo di pelo e struttura del collo non potevano danneggiarlo. Il dorso è dritto, largo e forte, unito uniformemente al collo. Le costole sono molto cerchiate pur non essendo a botte. Il Torace è largo profondo e ben disceso, il manubrio dello sterno è ben rilevato. La larghezza del torace misurata tra le spalle è circa il 36- 38 % dell'altezza al garrese.. I Lombi sono larghi e muscolosi, relativamente corti. La groppa larga e forte, poco inclinata, il ventre teso e leggermente sollevato. La larghezza tra le tuberosità ischiatiche è circa il 28-30 % dell'altezza al garrese.. La lunghezza del corpo dalla punta della spalla alla punta della natica ( tuberosità ischiatiche ) è il 10 % in più dell'altezza al garrese ( 100-110 ). L'altezza dal gomito al garrese varia tra il 45- 50% dell'altezza del garrese a terra. Il tronco dello Shiba si presenta quindi come un cilindro piuttosto grosso ed allungato. La coda è attaccata alta, grossa e fortemente arricciata con uno o più giri oppure alta e curvata a falce. La punta della coda completamente distesa deve raggiungere il garretto.
Gli arti sono grossi e robusti atti a sostenere una struttura così piccola, ma imponente. La spalla è moderatamente obliqua, il braccio poco inclinato, i gomiti aderenti. Gli angoli sono piuttosto aperti. Il metacarpo è lungo e robusto, ma piuttosto flesso. Viste dal davanti le zampe anteriori sono diritte. Il posteriore deve evidenziare muscoli durissimi e ben rilevati sotto il pelo. La coscia è lunga larga e robusta, la gamba corta e forte, i garretti ben rilevati robusti e lunghi. L'angolazione posteriore è da poco a mediamente accentuata (angoli mediamente aperti). I piedi sono leggermente ovali con cuscinetti spessi e duri, dita fortemente serrate e ben arcuate, unghie durissime preferibilmente scure.
La coda deve essere attaccata alta, completamente srotolata deve essere lunga almeno fino ai garretti, portata fortemente arrotolata sul dorso e formante uno o più giri, oppure portata alta a forma di falce più o meno ricadente sul dorso o sul fianco, (può essere anche completamente alta e aperta). La coda deve essere decisamente grossa e fortemente pelosa dall’attaccatura alla punta, il pelo è più lungo rispetto a tutte le altre parti del corpo ed è dritto e duro a formare una cresta rigida e gonfia che sovrasta e copre la groppa, i lombi .. DIFETTI COMUNEMENTE RISCONTRABILI A CARICO DEL TRONCO ARTI E CODA SONO: Collo lungo e delicato, gracile, elegante, attacchi troppo netti e visibili, forte giogaia, pelo e sottopelo poco folto o troppo lungo, sporgente o cadente, non uniforme. Dorso insellato o carpato, troppo corto, troppo lungo, Torace stretto, poco sceso, poco profondo, costole a botte, piatte e schiacciate, manubrio dello sterno piatto o rientrante. Lombi e groppa strettì, groppa troppo corta, troppo o troppo poco inclinata . Muscoli non tonici. Arti gracili o piccoli, troppo corti o troppo lunghi, metacarpi eccessivamente rigidi o troppo flessi. Garretti poco rilevati, coscia corta, gamba lunga, piedi ‘ da gatto ’, dita non serrate, cuscinetti flaccidi, mancanza di tonicità muscolare.. Coda attaccata bassa, piccola, poco pelosa o con pelo ricadente.
Il movimento dello Shiba è un trotto elastico e scattante, non è troppo allungato, ma sufficientemente rapido esalta la potente muscolatura di cui è dotato. Normalmente il trotto si svolge con un naturale e ampio basculamento dell'anteriore ad arto rigido e buona spinta del posteriore, le linee di copertura sono parallele e tendono leggermente a chiudere soprattutto sul posteriore aumentando la velocità, ma non devono mai essere in single-trake.
DIFETTI COMUNEMENTE RISCONTRABILI A CARICO DEL MOVIMENTO SONO: Movimento troppo fluido ( generalmente per arti troppo lunghi e/o angolati ), ambio, incrocio, arti non rigidi e quindi trotto non saltellato e scattante, mancanza totale dì spinta posteriore o anteriore, single- trake, mancanza totale di velocità ( in genere per eccesso di compattezza o angoli eccessivamente aperti, spesso in abbinamento) , garretti troppo ravvicinati (vaccini ), gomiti aperti..
MANTELLO Il mantello è costituito da un pelo di guardia leggermente più duro del sottopelo (molto più duro nei maschi), diritto e spesso, il sottopelo è soffice, morbido, denso e lungo quanto il pelo di guardia tranne che sulla coda dove però deve essere ritto e duro tale da formare una vera e propria cresta molto grossa ed imponente quando la coda è ben arrotolata. In tutte le altre parti del corpo il pelo di guardia NON DEVE sporgere oltre il sottopelo in quanto la pelliccia dello Shiba è corta ed uniforme e non nasconde né la muscolatura né i profili dell'animale.
DIFETTI COMUNEMENTE RISCONTRABILI A CARICO DEL MANTELLO SONO: Pelo lungo e molle, pelo troppo ispido o pelo dì guardia sporgente nelle parti non ammesse, mancanza di sottopelo o sottopelo non sufficientemente folto da nascondere il pelo di guardia, pelo corto e molle, collo o coda con poco pelo o sottopelo. Il pelo è componente essenziale di tipo per lo Shiba, perciò non si dovrebbe mai presentare in esposizione il cane in muta.
COLORI I colori attualmente citati dallo standard sono solo più cinque: rosso, sesamo, sesamo nero rosso sesamo e nero focato. Non sono più ammessi i colori che erano normali in precedenza e cioè : grigio, nero uniforme, rosso bianco pezzato, tigrato, bianco. Ovviamente continueranno ad esserci Shiba con siffatti colori per un po' di tempo, ma non dovranno essere più considerati eccellenti in esposizione né utilizzati in riproduzione. Il rosso è considerato come fulvo più o meno intenso, più è scuro meglio è, non è penalizzato il rosso chiar fintanto che non arriva al giallastro o al panna, non deve comunque essere marrone. Il sesamo ha sempre come base il rosso, ma normalmente è un rosso quasi senape o mattone chiaro più o meno intensi con le punte del pelo di guardia nere e bianche diffuse su tutta la superficie del corpo ( sesamo ) o solo nere (sesamo nero). II rosso sesamo è invece un rosso normale ( con tutte le possibili gradazioni ) con peli di guardia neri più o meno diffusi, spesso sono evidenti solo sul dorso e parte superiore della coda. Nessun colore ammette macchie nere uniformi e nessun colore ammette macchie bianche sulle parti superiori del corpo . Il nero è considerato esclusivamente come nero focato, con delimitazione delle focature marroni sufficientemente scure ( possibilmente non giallastre ) disposte esattamente nelle stesse parti dell’urajiro dal quale però si devono evidenziare nel modo più netto possibile. L'urajiro come definisce lo standard è la presenza di macchie bianche o biancastre sui lati del muso, guance, parte inferiore delle mascelle, collo, torace, ventre, parte inferiore della coda ed interno delle zampe. Tale macchiatura deve essere presente anche sui neri focati e distinguersi chiaramente dalle focature. Sono normali in tutti i colori le zampe parzialmente bianche. L'urajiro è caratteristica fondamentale di tipo ed è gravemente penalizzabile la mancanza. QUALUNQUE COLORE AL DI FUORI DI QUELLI INDICATI RAPPRESENTA DIFETTO
Per la taglia anche qui la variazione rispetto allo standard precedente è netta e chiara, vengono infatti stabiliti chiaramente i limiti minimi e massimi tollerabili definendo così la precisa dimensione di questo piccolo cane. Sono così esclusi tassativamente i giganti ( spesso leggeri ) permessi dal vecchio standard. Massima 41,5 cm. Massima 38,5 cm. MASCHI Ideale 40 cm. FEMMINE Ideale 37 cm. Minima 38,5 cm Minima 36,5 cm.
CONSIDERAZIONI FINALI Lo Shiba ideale è quindi un piccolo cane fortemente costruito, muscoloso e robusto, imponente e ben bilanciato, rettangolare, fiero ed ardito, fedele e battagliero nel frattempo : uno Shiba non è un giocattolo grazioso o un peluche o un docile segugio, è un cane che deve esprimere in tutto il suo essere : forza, dignità e potenza racchiuse nella piccola taglia.. E' infatti GRAVEMENTE penalizzarle la timidezza (INTESA COME FUGA INCONDIZIONATA) . Gravemente penalizzabile anche la mancanza di caratteristiche sessuali ben definite, queste ultime, infatti, non sono difficili da riscontrarsi, soprattutto nella mascolinità femminile poiché tutte le caratteristiche indicate precedentemente ( forza, dignità, robustezza ) devono essere applicate anche alle femmine che si distinguono essenzialmente dalla taglia più piccola, da una maggiore dolcezza dell'espressione e dalla testa con maggiore cesello e tratti leggermente più fini ed eleganti.
_________________________________________ Животные - очень милые друзья: не задают вопросов и не критикуют.
Последний раз редактировалось: Nozomi (21.12.11 18:02), всего редактировалось 1 раз(а) | |
| | | Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 20.12.11 20:37 | |
| Следующее>> The Shiba Inu is the smallest Japanese native dog
The Shiba Inu is the smallest Japanese native dog. It has a very thick weather proof coat that needs thorough brushing a couple of times a week. This dog's skin is sensitive and allergy-prone. Flea collars and neglecting the coat are not recommended.
It's very important to brush a dog with a double coat.
Mats can develop that harbor fungus and create infection. If the mats develop to the point that the dog needs shaving, it can create problems for the dog. Its seasonal growth cycle is disturbed.
It will have problems regulating its temperature; it can get windburn or sunburn, and shaving severely alters the color and texture of the coat.
Shaving also leaves its skin itchy and irritated because dead hair shafts are left behind.
. Removes dirt and debris . Invigorates skin . Spreads oils to moisturize skin and keep a shiny coat . Prevents mats and tangles which are irritating painful and can harbor bacteria, fungus, other infection . Keeps your house cleaner especially during shedding seasons . Bonding, massaging, loving interaction . Early detection of fleas, ticks, eczema, infection and smells that may notify you of sickness
Tools: Firm bristled brush, rake, comb
Brush your Shiba Inu a few times a week with a firm bristle brush and comb down to the skin once a week. Use the rake to pull out undercoat.
Line brushing will be necessary on your full-coated Shiba. This consists of holding hair up and out of the way and then brushing/detangling a small amount of hair, a line or row, at a time, from underneath.
Always work from the inside out on a coat and from the bottom to the top of the hair.
Brace the skin of your dog with one hand while working on knots.
Eyes: Check your dog's eyes daily.
Debris is flushed to the corners of the eyes and daily wiping with a wet cloth or paper towel can prevent the build up of bacteria.
Ears: Check ears once a week.
Your dogs ears should be pink and healthy inside. If not, don't do anything to them until you see a vet. Keeping your dogs' ears clean minimizes odour, removes dirt, bacteria and mites trapped in wax. Never use a cotton swab on the inner ear.
Trim the insides of your Shiba's ears.
Tools: cotton wool balls or soft cloth and ear solution.
There are solutions made specifically for dogs but substitutes include: hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, mineral oil, witch hazel, and tea tree oil.
Place a few drops of ear solution in ear and rub and massage to loosen wax. Swab out with cotton wool balls or cloth.
Teeth: Regularly.
80% of 3 year old dogs have periodontal disease. Cavities and gum disease are painful for your dog; they diminish its pleasure and ability to eat. Bacteria that develops can infect the heart, kidney, liver and brain. Really bad breath is usually a sign of gum disease.
Tools: Toothbrush/finger cap/cloth, doggie toothpaste, tooth scraper.
Never use human toothpaste. It is not edible.
Starting your dog out with this practice can be tricky. Reward them constantly no matter what their behavior so they begin to enjoy grooming.
Start off by getting it used to its mouth being handled.
Progress to touching the teeth with your finger.
Get some meat-flavoured toothpaste and apply with your finger.
Then introduce the brush. Clean a few teeth at a time and soon you will have a routine that takes just minutes.
Brush in a circular motion and get under the gum line.
If you don't want to brush everyday, use a tooth scraper once or twice a month to get rid of the build up of plaque. It accumulates mostly on the outside of the teeth and on the back molars. This won't be much fun for your or your dog though.
Lots of bones and hard, crunchy foods can minimize plaque but not to a truly effective degree.
Nails: Every two weeks.
Nails that aren't trimmed can splinter and infect the quick or grow and curl into the flesh. This can be painful for your dog to walk on. It will affect its gait, posture, and eventually it's skeletal and ligament health. Nails should never touch the ground. When your dog is standing its nails should rest above the ground. If you hear clicking on the kitchen floor, clipping is overdue.
Tools: Doggie Nail Clippers (Scissors, pliers, guillotine), Dremel or file, Styptic or Kwikstop.
Introducing your dog to nail clipping should start off by getting it used to its paws being handled. Stroke and touch your dog's paws whenever you are giving it affection.
Getting it used to the Dremel is your best bet to avoid clipping altogether.
Sit beside your dog and put your arm around its shoulders if you can so that you are clipping from underneath and at the right angle.
Lift the paw and press on it to expose the claw.
If it has a clear nail you should be able to see the quick: a dark bundle of nerves and blood vessels. Clip from underneath close to the quick but do not cut into it. If you do, your dog will soon let you know. Use Styptic pencil or Kwikstop to staunch the bleeding.
Buff the ragged edge with a file or Dremel.
If it has a dark nail, clip just under the curve of the nail and then you will be able to look inside and see the quick if you look close enough. Clip using tiny snips at a time.
Don't forget to check for dewclaws: an extra claw dogs may have farther up on the leg that works like a thumb. It is better to clip your dog's nails frequently as this encourages the quick to recede farther away from the tip.
Paws: Check daily/Trim every two weeks.
It is very important to Check between your dogs pads for foreign objects that may have wedged there and check the pads themselves for cuts, scrapes and infection.
Tools: Small, blunt scissors, slicker brush.
The Shiba Inu has hair that grows between its pads, traditionally insulating its feet. This hair can mat and trap bacteria as well as becoming painful to walk on.
Trim hair around the paws to keep them clean. Only do this when the dog is standing on the paw.
Then, Push the feathers growing on top of the foot down through the toes and trim to pad level.
Lift the paw and from the back, brush out the hair and trim to pad level.
Push feathers back up through the toes and trim from the top.
Hygienic trimming: 2 to 4 weeks.
Tools: Blunt-nosed scissors, Thinning shears, Electric clippers
Thinning, trimming and clipping at the ear opening, base of the tail, around the anus and privates keeps your dog feeling better as well as keeping it and your house cleaner.
Expressing Glands: Every 2 to 4 weeks
This is a task normally done when you take your dog in for professional grooming. You can do this yourself.
Your dog uses scent glands in the anus to mark its territory. These glands also excrete when your dog defecates. At times, they may get impacted.
Signs of this include: increased doggie odour, excessive licking and chewing of the behind and worst of all, scooting. That's when your dog drags its butt along your carpet.
There is no risk of overly expressing these glands so it's best to get accustomed to doing it regularly as it will lessen dog odour.
Tools: Warm cloth
Lift the dog's tail and hold the cloth against it's behind. Place your fingers at 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock and press inward and squeeze to expel.
Bathing: As needed
Most dogs do not need regular bathing. They have an all-weather double coat and natural oils that moisturize their skin, keeping their coat glossy and resistant to dirt and water. Stripping these oils with frequent bathing dries out the skin and prevents you dog from having a healthy coat.
A rubdown with a damp towel can remove dirt and spot cleaning of the face, legs and feathers is always an option.
A bath can help to remove a large amount of shedding hair.
This dog is allergy-prone so dilute and spot test shampoos.
Tools: Non-slip mat, sprayer hose, dog shampoo, leash, towels.
Choose a place where you can block escape routes and expect 1-3 water-spraying shakes.
A leash tied to a higher point than your dog's head will keep it standing and prevent it from escaping. This is highly recommended as it's really difficult to hold a slippery dog.
Never bathe your dog in standing water and never use human shampoo.
If you plan on bathing your Shiba Inu outdoors, attach the hose to the kitchen sink for warm water.
Many grooming salons offer self-service options and offer all the amenities.
Wet your dog using your hand so as to massage and lift the hair to get to the undercoat.
Avoid getting water into the eyes, nose and ears.
Cotton wool can be stuffed into the ear canal to deter water.
Massage lather down to undercoat.
Rinse thoroughly as leftover shampoo can severely dry out and irritate your pet's skin.
Squeeze out excess water by running your hands along its body and pressing.
Dry with a towel.
This dog needs to be thoroughly dry to avoid hot spots. Regular blow-dryers can overheat the skin and rarely have enough power. A self-service grooming salon is recommended.
_________________________________________ Животные - очень милые друзья: не задают вопросов и не критикуют.
| |
| | | Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 20.12.11 21:24 | |
| Ну и пока на сегодня хватит, если кто-то сможет перевести буду очень благодарна
I wrote "A Journey Beyond Shiba" over ten years ago as an examination of the pedigrees of some shibas imported into the USA. I have editted and rewritten the article.
I will be starting from the earliest history of shiba inu and trace the origin of modern shiba-inu. I have also incorporated my articles on the lineage study in this article.
I hope this review of shiba inu history will suggest that the intrinsic qualities of SHIBA INU, run deeply in a close inter- relationship between the Japanese people and the Japanese dogs. So first, let us start a ten thousand years journey back to the future by examining the earliest history of Japanese people.
Archeology and Anthropology:
It is an archeological fact that the human ancestors emigrated over a vast area of land. So did the Japanese ancestors. It seems that they emigrated from Africa to Mainland Asia and from Siberia and China to Japan. The first archeological evidences of human ancestor in Japan appeared over 500,000 years ago. The stone implements used by Homo Erectus were found in the Miyagi Prefecture. The stone implements of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis (130,000 years ago) were found in the Hyogo Prefecture. However, it is the evidences of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (40, 000 years ago) found in many parts of Japan that begin to have some relevance to the shiba fanciers. Those Homo Sapiens Sapiens may be the ancestors of Joumon people (12, 000 years ago) with whom the fossil evidences of the first dogs in Japan are found. The fossil evidences of dog found from the Joumon period (BC 10,000 - BC 300) varies somewhat in size. Apparently the early Joumon dogs were small about 36cm to 41cm without stop, in another words, relatively flat from the forehead to the bridge of nose. The Shibaho dogs are intentionally bred by Mr. Nakajo to recapture the image of Joumon dogs. Mr. Nakajo was one of the founders of Nippo but later split from Nippo and founded Shibainu Hozonkai (Shibaho). As you can see from the attached photo, Shibaho shibas have slight stop and a slim body. The fossils of dogs found later in the Joumon period are larger at 46cm to 50cm with moderate stop. In 1998, Dr. Nishimoto restored a Joumon dog from 3,000 years old fossils and found that the dog was 40cm high and had similar characteristics to the present day shibas.
A Shibaho shiba
Just before the turn of the first millennium, it is estimated that some several hundred thousand people from the Korean Peninsula came to southern Japan during a few hundred- year period. They brought with them the technology of growing rice and most naturally some dogs. (Yayoi period is approx. BC 300 - AD 300) Dr. Miyazaki of Museum of Yayoi Culture in Osaka restored Yayoi dogs and found them to be medium size dogs. There must have been frequent mixing of blood between the indigenous Joumon dogs and the Yayoi dogs.
Several centuries of the tumulus period (approx. AD 300 - AD 600) that followed was a period of great cultural development in Japan. Among the earthen dolls called " Haniwa" found in the ancient tombs are the dolls of dogs similar to the modern day shibas. In 1982, a group of Nagoya University and Gifu University researchers carried out gene analysis of Japanese dogs and found that they are genetically distinct from the Western dogs. Some had a great genetic similarity to the Jindo dogs from the Southern Korean Island.
Haniwa Doll Pariah
Pariah dogs existed in a wide area of the Southeast Asia, the Mainland Asia and even the North Africa in the pre-historic ages. Pariah dogs seem to be the root of Dingos in Australia and dogs of Sumatra and other indigenous dogs of Southeast Asia. The general consensus on the root of Japanese dogs seems to be that they immigrated to Japan with the people coming from the Southern islands in the prehistoric time. These small size dogs formed the base and later mixed with large size dogs coming from the North (Siberia) and medium size dogs coming from the Mainland Asia through the Korean Peninsula. These medium size dogs may have been the ancestors of Jindo dogs, Taiwan dogs and Ryukyu dogs. The dogs from the Northern Asia might be the ancestors to such modern established breeds as Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies.
Written History:
The earliest records of small dogs similar to shibas appear in the books written during the Heian period. (approx. AD 800 - AD 1200) Samurai ruled the period of the Kamakura Shogunate (1190 - 1603) and use of dogs and hawks for hunting was very popular. During the Edo period (1603 - 1866), many books on the hunting dogs were written. The books mention small dogs similar to shibas and called them " Taka inu" (Hawk dogs) used for hunting small animals and birds. There are references to "Shika inu" (Deer dogs), medium size dogs for hunting larger animals such as deer and boars. There are some indications of planned breeding as well.
The families of Samurai, whose duty was to maintain good hunting dogs for the Shoguns, wrote these books. The books were kept strictly confidential within the family and never made public. The books were something like the standard of hunting dogs and mention physical characteristics such as body size, coat, tail, head etc. A book written by one Yoshida Taemon in 1620 mentions that "sashi-o" (sickle tail) on small, short hair dogs with stout muzzle makes best dogs for easy training. It says that longer face dogs tend to have a rough temperament. Nakata clan has series of several books written by generations of Nakata families with very detailed characteristics of good hunting dogs. Yet another book written by Mizuno Denjiro in 1796 mentions that yellow dogs makes best hunting dogs. It goes on to say that yellow means the color of leaves in foliage just about to fall off a branch. Training a dog during Edo period
In 1687, the 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi issued a decree to protect animals especially dogs from any kind of abuses. It was fanatically enforced during his reign as far as to make it a capital punishment for anyone who killed dogs. Influenced by Buddhist teachings, the decree also prohibited raising birds and fishes for human consumption. Tsunayoshi was called the "Dog Lover Shogun". There is a popular literature written by Kyokutei Bakin towards the end of Edo period titled "Nanso Satomi Hakken Den" (A Story of Eight Dogs from Satomi Clan of Nanso). It is a story of 15th century warlord Satomi and a dog Yatsufusa who fell in love with princess Fusehime. The above examples of the decree issued by Shogun Tsunayoshi and popular literature by Bakin indicate that dogs were a common part of life in Japan during the Edo period.
After the fall of Tokugawa Shogunate in 1866, the new era began in Japan with a great emphasis on modernization. With the modernization came things western, including dogs from Europe and other parts of the world. Although the western type dogs call "Kara inu" were brought into Japan from China and Korea as pets as far back as Nara and Heian periods (about 700 AD - 1,200 AD), it was in a very limited number and did not have any significant influence. Western dogs were imported as hunting dog through the trading post in Nagasaki by Dutch traders in the 18th century. Oddly enough, Dutch physician P. F. von Siebold's "Kari inu "(hunting dog) written in "Fauna Japonica" 150 years ago, as the indigenous dog of Japan, somewhat resembles this western hunting dog. It was after the Meiji Restoration (1867), the western dogs were imported in large numbers. Within a short period of less than fifty years, cross breeding of indigenous dogs with imported dogs widely occurred and it was almost impossible to find indigenous dogs in the cities by the early 1920's. It was in such historical context, Dr. Saito and others began the movement to preserve Japanese dogs.
We have leaped and bound the time for several millenniums in short paragraphs. The reason for introducing the archeological, anthropological and historical documentation above is to give you a general knowledge of the back ground from which the Japanese dogs originated and evolved.
An Early History of Modern Shiba:
On May 5, 1928 Dr. Hirokichi Saito and his group met to establish Nihonken Hozonkai, (NIPPO), Association for Preservation of the Japanese Dog. It all started when Dr. Saito was unable to find a single indigenous dog after a long search and realized that the Japanese dogs were in danger of extinction. In those days, pure bred Japanese dogs were non-existent in the cities. Early pioneers of Nippo traveled far and wide in search of indigenous dogs in the mountainous areas of Japan. Their intention was to preserve the Japanese dogs as true to original form as possible by seeking out those primitive hunting dogs still existed in the remote areas and setting up a planned breeding program. The academic circles supported the movement by carrying out researches from historical,zoological, archeological and anthropological perspectives. The first president of Nippo was Dr. Kaburagi, a professor at the Tokyo University. In 1932, Nippo published its first newsletter and began registering Japanese dogs. Nippo was recognized by the Ministry of Education in 1937 and received a support of the Japanese Government for preserving the Japanese heritage and culture. It has since been active as the oldest and most authoritative kennel club in Japan.
On November 6, 1932, the first Nippo Show was held in Ginza, the central area of Tokyo. Out of eighty-one dogs entered, only ten dogs were rated as having stock quality and awarded "Commendation Award". Out of ten dogs, four were Akitas, two were Hokkaidos, two were Kishus, one was a medium size dog from Shinshu area and one was Shiba Inu. The shiba was a red sesame male named "TAKO ". He was found in the mountainous area of the Toyama Prefecture (Central Japan). Tako was the first shiba to be registered by Nippo and since Tako, Nippo has maintained a registration record of over a million and half shibas.
Dr. Saito found a red male hunting dog with sickle tail in the deep mountains of the Gumma Prefecture in 1928. Dr. Saito named him "JUKKOKU". Jukkoku was originally from the other side of mountains in the Nagano Prefecture. The local people there were calling these small hunting dogs "Shiba Inu". There are several explanations on the origin of word " shiba", however, from the Kanji (Japanese written character) used for shiba-inu, I tend to think that the name came from the fact that those hunting dogs maneuvered through short brushes (shiba) well. Light brown dried brushwood is generally called "shiba" and it is written with a same Kanji for "shiba" inu. "Inu" means dog. Shiba coat color blended well with the mountainside of Shinshu. Jukkoku made the name "shiba inu" famous and many fanciers visited the villages around the mountains of Nagano to bring back "shiba inu" to the cities.
In 1933 at the 2nd Nippo Show, a male "YUWA" and a female "YURI" from the Shimane Prefecture (San-In region of Japan) received the Commendation Awards. They were known as Sekishuken. At the 5th Nippo Show in 1936, Sekishuken "ISHI GO" a red male born on November 2, 1930, registration number 170, received the Commendation Award. Ishi was bred to "KORO" a black and tan bitch from the mountains of Shikoku island and produced "AKA GO, FUGOKU" on January 6, 1939. Aka Go received the Commendation Award at the 8th Nippo Show and this young dog was destined to be a very important stud. Aka was bred to "HANA" from the Tottori Prefecture (San-In region of Japan) to produce a bitch "BENIKO GO, AKASHISOU". He was also bred to "MEIGETSU" from the Yamanashi Prefecture (Shinshu region of Japan) to produce a male "AKANI GO, HATAYAMASOU". Akani and Beniko, half brother/ half sister, produced Naka Go on April 16, 1948. Naka Go was bred to his mother Beniko Go to produced NAKAICHI GO, AKASHISOU and from Nakaichi Go came ICHI GO, which led to the Hakuba no Gen line, and KOROICHI GO, which led to the Ichisuke line, as well as BENIMARU GO, which led to Matsumaru line. Naka Go also produced SENKOU GO, ARAKI KENSHA, leading to Tenkou line.
Naka Go, Akashisou Ishi Go
PEDIGREE OF NAKA GO, AKASHISOU: Red, Male, Nippo: 1216 D.O.B: Apr. 16, 1948
G.Dam: HANA from TOTTORI Pref.
The shibas of early Nippo period were known as Ji-inu (local dogs). We can see in the early documents local shibas mentioned as Shinshu shiba, San-in shiba, Mino shiba, Kawakami shiba, Jukkoku shiba, Sekishuken, etc. There was a movement to preserve such dogs from various localities as separate breeds. However, war, disease and other factors diminished the small indigenous population, causing a lack of sufficient gene pool to continue with the breeding program. There are still a small number of San-in shiba breeders endeavoring to maintain this local breed of shibas but small gene pool is making the task next to impossible. A few remaining shibas from different localities were bred together to enhance the inherent qualities of shibas. The modern shiba inu is therefore a mixture of small dogs from different localities of Japan causing a slight variation of types.
Nippo Standard and Essence of Shiba:
On September 15, 1934, after extensive researches and discussions, "Standard of the Japanese Dog" was drafted by the Standards Committee led by academic group of Dr. Kaburagi, Dr. Itagaki, Dr. Kume, Dr. Saito and others. The Standard was to be the future guideline common to all six breeds of the Japanese dogs. Nippo web-site mentions the purpose of the standard as follows. "The standard is established (by Nippo), indicating a path to follow in future breeding programs based on intrinsic characteristics of Japanese dogs." Intrinsic characteristics of Japanese dogs are stated as follows. "The nature of Japanese shibas can be expressed in three very important words KAN-I, RYOUSEI, and SOBOKU. These qualities are basic nature inborn to all Japanese breeds and in totality, these qualities expresses the essential characteristics of Japanese dogs."
The Japanese Government in 1936 designated Shiba Inu as " Indigenous Animal of Japan and Natural Cultural Heritage ". The original intention of Nippo was to preserve those indigenous hunting dogs that lived with Japanese people for centuries. Early Nippo members went deep into remote area of Japan to find dogs with the characteristics as close to the standard as possible and started planned breeding programs. Ironically, as soon as those dogs were brought in to cities, "domestication" process started and cultural bias of city life overwhelmed the breeding program. As shibas became popular, ignorant breeders began to disregard the standard and bred dogs according to their own preferences. Some un-informed breeders did not understand the intention of the Nippo pioneers and began mixing shiba with such dogs as Mikawaken (a spitz like mix breed) and medium size Japanese dogs, claiming that they are improving the breed. In spite of such misguided practices in the past, shiba has endured difficult times and I hope it will continue to exist as close to the original form as possible. The original shibas were kept by the hunters not for their looks but for their ability to hunt. The Standard has taken in the characteristics of these hunting dogs into consideration. I must agree that shibas may change with time and environment. I also agree that present day shibas are not the same as those original hunting dogs. Shiba fanciers world over should keep in mind the origin and history of these dogs when breeding. I would like to quote a paragraph from one of the most informative books on shibas in English "The Complete Shiba Inu" by Maureen Atkinson since it reflects my feelings so well.
"The Shiba has been part of the Japanese culture for centuries. The Japanese have nurtured and loved the breed. Their devotion to their Japanese Native Dog and his characteristics is plain for all to see. These dogs are greatly prized and guarded. We owe it to the Japanese people to maintain and perpetuate their vision of what a Shiba should be. It is all too easy to wonder from the path of what is correct and of what constitutes perfection. We have good foundations to work on and must go forward, adhering to what is laid down in the Standard for the Breed. The Japanese have a saying about special relationships. They say 'our hearts touched'. When you have a Shiba your hearts will touch forever."
Shiba Inu Bloodlines:
The characteristic of what makes a shiba, SHIBA INU, run deeply from the past and it is silently passed on to the future. The lineage study is important to correctly understand the bloodline of your shibas. There is very few information on Shiba Inu bloodlines in English. I hope the following will shed some light on shiba inu bloodlines. Shiba Inu as an established breed is recognized only a few decades ago. There are wide variations of type. Problems with dentition, structure and coat color are frequent. The breeders abroad should carefully study the lineage and understand the genetic problems of the shibas he/she is working with.
When a dominant stud is produced, it is common to in-breed or line breed enhancing his desirable traits. This is why it is possible to talk of shiba bloodlines having distinct characteristics of certain dominant studs. The terms, in- breeding, line breeding and out-crossing need an explanation. There is a scientific criterion called inbreeding coefficient to quantitatively distinguish the degree of genetic relationship. However, for the purpose of this article, I would simply define in-breeding as any occurrence of same individual in first two generations of a pedigree such as father/daughter, and brother/sister. Line breeding is any occurrence of same individual up to fourth generations, such as grandfather/granddaughter and uncle/niece. I think any relationship beyond fourth generation do not have significant impact on traits of bloodline to merit it as line breeding. Out-crossing is no relationship between sire and dam. There may be objections to such simplistic definition but for sake of this article let us go on.
Mr. Mitsuharu Kanasashi, a Nippo judge and one of the leaders of Nippo, analyzed the winners of Saikousho (Best Shiba Award) in the Grand Nationals and concluded that there are four predominant bloodlines in Japan. They are the Hakuba no Gen line, the Korotama line, the Tenkou line and the Matsumaru line. Several decades have passed since Mr. Kanasashi made his analysis and I am sure there are more new bloodlines established now. However, the basis of all new bloodlines is found in the four predominant bloodlines mentioned by Mr. Kanasashi.
The Gen line:
If I was asked to name one mainstream bloodline of Shiba Inu in Japan, I must say that it is "the Gen line".
The Gen line originates from a stud named Hakuba no Gen Go, Roukakusou. The lineage of Hakuba no Gen is traced back to NAKA GO as follows;
HAKUBA NO GEN- Kojiro-Sumimaru-Ichi-Naka Ichi- NAKA GO
Hakuba no Gen is a product of father/daughter inbreeding of Kojiro. Mr. Kanasashi says that most impressive characteristic of Hakuba no Gen was his hair quality and coat color. He said each string of hair, when inspected closely, was indicative of the purity of bloodline. Hakuba no Gen had a very good movement, well developed back skull, tight muzzle and nicely shaped eyes but his body structure and dentition had much to be desired. These characteristics of Hakuba no Gen, both good and bad, has been carried on even to the current Gen line shibas.
From Hakuba no Gen came Azumi no Hana. Azumi no Hana produced many important studs such as Sakushugen, and Masakado. This is why old timers sometimes call the Gen line, "the Hana line". A very significant mating took place in 1983, when Sakushugen was out crossed to a black and tan daughter of Kotetsu Go, Koutokusou, producing Tetsugen, the sire of Tekka no Gen.
Tekka no Gen has a special place in the Gen line, and, in fact, offspring of this magnificent stud have created a dynasty of winning shibas. From Tekka no Gen came Koutetsu Go, Yaguri Kusunoki Kensha, the sire of Kouryu Go, Shimakazesou. Koutetsu Go and Kouryu Go are father and son winning pair of the Nippo Grand National Show back to back in 1993 and 1994. A list of winners in Japan from this line is too long to mention. I had a daughter of Kouryu, Shimakazesou named Tamasakurahime, Shikaisou. Tamasakurahime is the grandmother of my stud Kazakoshi no Sakura-ou. So the Gen line is an important part of my shibas.
What interest me most about Koutetsu Go is that his dam is a daughter of Kyushu no Tetsuyuki Go, Kyushu Eto Kensha who is a grandson of Kotetsu Go from Tenkou line. Also his grandmother is a daughter of Sumeranishiki Go from Matsumaru line. Kouryu's dam is a daughter of Tekka no Gen and a product of a close line breeding. This pedigree seems to prove my point about the success of Gen line resulting from a skillful blending of other lines yet maintaining the characteristics of Gen line by in-breeding. It is an intentional mixture of intricate out-crossing and line breedings that goes back for five to six generations.
Judge Araki made following critique of Kouryu in 1994 when he won the Prime Ministers Award (Best in Show) " Kouryu has a wonderful facial expression, full cheeks balancing well with excellent shaped ears. Thick, round muzzle is perfectly matching with well-developed forehead. Top line of the back is straight and strength is expressed all the way to the tip of thick round tail. Body is well balanced with all four legs having correct angles. Kouryu expressed Kan-I and Soboku qualities in the ring with full of dignity."
Tekka no Gen Go, Sanuki Mizumotosou Kouryu Go, Shimakazesou
Another shiba that represents Gen line is Chisato Go, Sanuki Mizumotosou. She is from a breeding between grandson and granddaughter of Tetsugen. Chisato's sire Koutaro of Kannabi Kensha is one of the sons of Tekka no Gen. I owned a daughter of Koutaro, named Narumi Go, Fuji Hachimansou. She was a beauty, winning several Nippo Merit Awards.
Following is the critique of Chisato by Judge Morito. " Chisato's facial expression is one of refinement and strength. Ears are standing firmly and they are leaning at a good angle. Eyes are shaped well with good color. Muzzle is bit too thick for female but nicely round and firm. Body is well balanced with excellent quality coat. Chisato has sharp and keen senses, quick and nimble movements and above all she was perfectly calm in the ring."
My concern about the off spring of Tekka no Gen is that because this family of shibas has a very flashy showy quality, some of them tend to lack a sober Soboku beauty desired in all Japanese breeds. Color of some shibas from this line might be considered too light and they tend to get white on face much earlier than some other lines of shibas. This is unfortunate because old records show that Hakuba no Gen had a Soboku quality and one of desirable characteristics of the Gen line is good color and good quality of coat. I feel strongly that Soboku quality, "refined simplicity and sober elegance" is a very important part of shiba inu. Also, some of the Gen line shibas tend to have high ear placement. It may be my personal preference but I like to see a good ear pitch on a shiba. These facts should be carefully considered when working with the Tekka no Gen/Tetsugen line.
To review the flow of bloodline, Kouryu Go goes back to Hakuba no Gen as follows:
KOURYU - Koutetsu-Tekka no Gen-Tetsugen-Sakushugen- Azumi no Hana -HAKUBA NO GEN
I wish to go back a few generations and review another flow of the Gen line out of Masakado, another son of Azumi no Hana. Masakado, bred to a bitch closely related to Kotetsu Go, Koutokusou, produced Yoshikado Go. Yoshikado produced Kadotsukasa and, Musashi no Shishi. Konishiki, a grandson of Musashi no Shishi, is credited with starting Mr. Watanabe's black and tan line from Koban Go. Kurokinju Go, Hamamatsu Shunjuusou, a son of Koban, won Best Opposite Sex at the 94th Grand National.
A note worthy thing about the pedigree of Koban, is that the sire is a result of half brother/ half sister line breeding of Konishiki while the dam is an out cross from the Kotetsu bloodline. In discussing the Gen line, the name of Kotetsu Go, Koutokusou appears again and again. It must be that there is an excellent compatibility of the Gen line and the Kotetsu line. Kotetsu Go, Koutokusou, a Tenkou line, is one of the most significant black and tan stud and two times Nippo Grand National winner at the 73rd and the 78th show.
Mr. Watanabe is my good friend. I bred my foundation bitch, Kuroyuume Go, Yokohama Atsumi to the son of Koban, Ryusei Go, Musashi Jinpuusou, and produced Tenkuu Ryokuryume, Yokohama Atsumi, Tenkuu Ryokuryume is the grandmother of my black and tan stud Kazakoshi no Koryu, Yokohama Atsumi. This black and tan line is another important part of my shibas.
Kurokinju Go, Hamamatsu Shunjuusou
A flow of bloodline from Hakuba no Gen to Kurokinju is as follows:
KUROKINJU - Koban - |Kotaro - Konishiki - Ishi - Musashi no Shishi - Yoshikado - Masakado - Azumi no Hana - HAKUBA NO GEN
The Korotama line:
What I call the Ichisuke line is better known in Japan as the Korotama line because the dam of Ichisuke is a daughter of Korotama. Ichisuke's manifested desirable characteristics are basically from Korotama. Korotama is distinct from the others in that his root originates in the shibas of Shikoku Islands. His dam Mari came from the mountains of Shikoku. His sire Korokoma is from the Kouchi-Mutsu line of shibas (from the Shikoku). Korotama was a black and white dog (not black and tan) but his other qualities overwhelmed his coat color defects and were widely used as a stud. Korotama made a great impact on main stream shibas from the Shinshu region. Some noteworthy characteristics of this bloodline are beautiful bright red coat, strong expression of deep-set eyes and above all, intelligent and calm temperament. This line, as with all the other bloodlines, has its own short falls. I believe there are rooms to be improved on front and rear structures in this bloodline. Dentition is also a problem with some closely line bred off spring.
Ichisuke Go, Inoguchi
The lineage from Naka Go to Ichisuke is as follows:
NAKA GO - Nakaichi - Koroichi - Koro Ichi-Koronaka(b/t) - Koroou - Momoichi - Ichiou - Ichioumaru - ICHISUKE.
Ichisuke bred two well-known studs, Hachisuke Go and Kiyoichi Go. From Hachisuke came Jouji Go, Fussaen. Jouji won 1st place Seiken Class twice at the G. National Shows and produced many well-known studs. Beniryu Go, Yamanashi Andousou is by far the most famous son of Jouji. Beniryu Go is a winner of the Best Shiba Award at the 82nd Nippo Grand National (1985). Beniryu bred Dairyu Go, Honjo Arakisou, the Best Opposite Sex Shiba at the 86th Grand National (1989) and Teraobana Go. Kyoto Terao, the Best Shiba at the 89th Grand National (1992). One of my foundation bitch Yuukihime Go, Tokyo Akatsukisou, is a daughter of Beniryu Go. Yuukihime has produced many wonderful shibas for me including Kuroyuume Go, Yokohama Atsumi.
Beniryu Go Teraobana Go
Personally, I think Teraobana Go, Kyoto Terao, a daughter of Beniryu, is one of the most beautiful female shiba I have seen. She is the reason for me to look for direct offspring of Beniryu as my foundation stocks. Judge Morikawa's critique on Teraobana says, "Perfectly calm, very feminine expression with Soboku quality. Well balanced body. Steps could have been lighter."
Azuma no Jou is an example of a successful blending of Ichisuke line with Gen line. His sire Jouichi of Tokyo Akatsukisou is out of grandfather/ granddaughter breeding of Jouji. Jouichi's dam is a full sister of my foundation dam Yuukihime Go, Tokyo Akatsukisou. Dam of Azuma no Jou is from son of Tetsugen and daughter of Dairyu.
Azuma no Jou Go Toyonishiki Go
Judge Sato's critique on Azuma no Jou is as follows. "He has exceptionally sharp and keen senses, having massive dignity for a shiba. Ears are standing proudly, adding quality and refinement to the expression. Deep, strong eyes with good color. Coat is excellent. Muzzle could be stronger."
From Kiyoichi, another son of Ichisuke, came a line of winning shibas of Toyonishiki. The pedigree of Toyonishiki shows that he is not closely line bred to his paternal bloodline and his relation to Ichisuke is not very strong. However, he has retained many of the superior characteristics of this bloodline. Toyonishiki has done well as a stud and bred such well-known dogs as Daikokunishiki and Iwashiro no Toyonishiki. My stud Fuku no Wakaichiro, Oyama Watanabesou, is line bred to Iwashiro no Toyonishiki.
ICHISUKE-Kiyoichi-Takeichi-Tenryu Ichi-Takiryu- Takimitsu-Fukuryu-TOYONISHIKI
The influence of parentage on a dog beyond fourth generation may be negligible. However, I believe the breeders of the dogs mentioned above have consciously used inbreeding and line-breeding techniques to maintain the characteristics which are considered superior in this bloodline.
TOYONISHIKI of Toyohashi Onoda, Nippo 2-34915, D.O.B. Sep. 18, '90
G.G.Sire: Takiryu of Shinshu Takeiso G.Sire: Takimitsu of Noto Sekidoso G.G.Dam: Kosode of Kaga Sekidoso Sire: Fukuryu of Enshu Kinryuso Nippo 60-39238 G.G.Sire: Benimidori of Enshu Miyamaso G.Dam: Fukuhime of Enshu Kinryuso G.G.Dam: Fukume of Bushu Koujinso
G.G.Sire: Shinshu Benimidori of Suzuranso G.Sire: Shinshu Terumidori of Suzuranso G.G.Dam: Suzumidori of Suzuranso Dam: Hama no Toyohime of Toyohashi OnodaNippo 62- 44838 G.G.Sire: Gakuryu of Muji Yamadaso G.Dam: Benihime of Toyohashi Onoda G.G.Dam: Benisuzuhime of Tetsuzanso
Tetsu-Arashi Go, Honjou Arakisou
I wish to introduce Tetsu Arashi Go, Honjo Arakiso as one of important Beniryu line stud. He won 1st place Souken, Sect. A Calss, at the G. National. His son, Tetsunishiki was the Prime Minister's Award winner at the 100th Nippo Grand National. The off spring of Tetsunishiki is doing very well at the shows. The lineage of Tetsu Arashi is as follows.
ICHISUKE-Hachisuke-Jouji-Beniryu-Beni Ichi-Ichi Tetsu- TETSU ARASHI
I fell in love with this stud and bred my Kuroyuume to produce Tenkuu no Tetsu, Yokohama Atsumi among others. I hope to carry on this valuable bloodline nurtured by generations of breeders trying to maintain the superior characteristics of the Ichisuke line.
The Matsumaru Line: Matsumaru line has played a very important part in the history of modern shibas, not as a most successful bloodline but as a compatible out-cross for Gen line and Ichisuke line. Breeders of the major bloodlines often used Matsumaru line bitches to improve body structure and color. Bitches out of Hidemidori Go, Noto Sekidousou, are known to have been frequently used by Mr. Mizumoto, one of the successful Gen line breeders. I would describe Matsumaru Go as a red sesame dog having sharp spirited boldness. Current studs of Matsumaru line have good size head with good ear pitch and strong body. Matsumaru's spirited temperament a strong Kan-I quality continues in this bloodline.
Matsumaru Go
Matsumaru goes back to Naka Go on the sire side as follows:
MATSUMARU - Beniyuki - Beniryu - Benimaru - Nakaichi - NAKA
Sumeranishiki Go, Hadano Kawaguchisou is perhaps the most influential stud of the Matsumaru line. Sumeranishiki is a foundation stud of Mr. Suzuki of Fujinomiya Kensha. Sumeranishiki is closely line bred to Matsumaru on both sire and dam sides. Sumeranishiki produced the Nippo Grand National Show winner, Beniougi Go, Fujinomiya Kensha. Tominishiki Go, Fugaku Sasaharasou, a son of Sumeranishiki, is a very important stud of the Matsumaru line.
Another line out of Matsumaru comes from his son Tatsumaki Go, Misonosou. Mr. Nishimura of Kyoto Daigo Kensha uses Matsumaru line extensively in his breeding program. Riki-ou Go, Meikensou, a foundation stud of this kennel is a great grandson of Matsuamru from his dam side. Riki-ou's sire is Rikisakura Go, Fujinomiya Kensha. Another one of his foundation studs, Tamana no Tetsu Go, Sankensou is a son of Tetsu Go, Takatsuki Yadasou, an old stud I like very much. Tetsu is a grandson of Tatsumaki. Mr. Nishimura's foundation studs are Tenjinmaru of Kyoto Daigo Kensha and Yamashiro no Ryuko of Kyoto Daigo Kensha. Tenjinmaru is closely line bred to Riki-ou. Yamashiro no Ryuko is a grandson of Tenjinmaru and line bred to Tamana no Tetsu on both sire and dam sides.
Yamashiro no Ryuko Go Seiryu no Shou-un Go
Seiryu no Shou-un of Moriya Kosugasou, Nippo 2-26668,
G.Sire:Sumeranishiki Go, Hadano Kawaguchisou Sire:Tominishiki Go, Fugaku Sasaharasou G.Dam:Yoshikikuhime Go, Oshima Yasudasou
G.Sire:Tone no Gen Go, Tone Hakusansou Dam:Hakusan no Yoshika Go, Toride Higakisou G.Dam:Kiyofusahime Go, Toride Shigetasou
Yamashiro no Ryuko Go, Kyoto Daigo Kensha, Nippo 9-34194
G.Sire:Tenjinmaru of Kyoto Daigo Kensha Sire: Ryuko of Kyoto Daigo Kensha G.Dam Chiharu of Hakkei Mizutanisou (sire:Tamana no Tetsu)
G.Sire:Matsumaru of Kyoto Daigo Kensha(sire:Tenjinmaru) Dam:Yuri of Kyoto Daigo Kensha G.Dam:Tetsuyuri of Kyoto Daigo Kensha(sire Tamana no Tetsu)
I mentioned that Mr. Mizumoto used Matsumaru line in his breeding program of Gen line. I must also mention that Mr. Araki of Honjo Arakisou successfully used Matsumaru line bitches, in his breeding program. Beniryu Go, Yamanashi Andosou, was mated to Honjo Yukihime Go, Honjo Arakisou, a Matsumaru line bitch. This pair produced the Nippo Grand National winner, Dairyu Go, Honjo Arakisou. Although the current Matsumaru line shibas are successful in their own merits, I think that its value may be appreciated more as a source of out-cross for both Gen line and Ichisuke line.
The Tenkou line:
I understand that Tenkou's coat color was dark red and not very good. Angles on his forelegs were not very good either. He, however, had Kan-I a distinct expression of mental strength. Tenkou is a grandson of Korotama from dam side which makes this bloodline very interesting. The breeders of other lines have often used Tenkou line as an out cross. For example, a famous Gen line stud, Tekka no Gen of Sanuki Mizumotosou, who started a dynasty of Grand National winners is a son of Tetsugen, whose mother is a closely in- bred daughter of Kotetsu Go, Koutrokusou.
Tenkou Go
Well known shibas out of Tenkou line are Kyushu no Jakume Go, Kyushu Eto Kenhsa, the Best in Show at the 84th Grand National (1987) and two times Grand National winner Kotestu Go, Koutokusou, the Best in Show at the 73rd Grand National and the Best Shiba at the 78th Grand National. I have not heard much about the direct off spring of Tenkou line recently. Unfortunately, the Tenkou line has lost its importance as a distinct bloodline and vanished in the shiba history.
On the future of Shiba bloodlines:
Naturally, over sixty years of the development of modern shiba inu, there were much out-crossing between the bloodlines and through carefully planned breeding, desirable traits were retained, enhanced and made even better. In-breeding and line breeding were used to magnify and stabilize (homogenize) desirable qualities. Out-crossing increases the gene pool and when genes were compatible, it resulted in manifesting desirable traits of both bloodlines.
The diversity of different lines and intricate inter- relationship of these lines have made it increasingly difficult to classify the current shibas simply into one bloodline or the other. Most breeders tend to drift from one champion to the other in their breeding program, which seem to lead them into a labyrinth of shiba breeding. Champion dogs are not necessarily good studs and it is more important to study compatibility of a bitch with the selected stud. I do not want these studies of bloodlines to be just academic.
I suppose breeders of all four bloodlines endeavored to produce "ideal" shiba but when one studies the results of shows in Japan, it seems the breeders of Gen line were most successful. One of the reasons for the success is a skillful blending of other bloodlines into the base qualities of Gen line.
I am very happy to observe that increasing number of imports from Japan has positively contributed to the gene pool of shibas in the US and Europe. In my opinion, the quality of shibas abroad has improved dramatically. I must add that it is not my intention to give an impression to the readers that imports are superior or that Nippo pedigree implies more than what it is worth. There are always good imports and bad imports with or without Nippo pedigree. Few are good producers and most are not. Therefore, it is important to understand the standard of shiba (phenotype) well and correctly analyze the pedigree (genotype) for breeding better shibas. All breeders must be extra selective and should make an in-depth research before using any import, or any stud for that matter, since it may add genetic variation which could adversely affect your bloodline for many generations to come.
I have journeyed through the history of shiba inu from the archeological time to the development of modern shiba inu and finally to the indication for the future of shiba inu in the bloodlines currently available for breeders world around to work with. It is the responsibility of individual breeders to decide the future of shiba inu. Mr. Watanabe of Sagami Murasakisou said, " Breeders could make or break the Breed." It is a very heavy responsibility.
The theme I wanted to convey in this article was the importance of maintaining the essence of shiba may it be in the USA, Europe or anywhere in the world. D.H. Lawrence in his "Fantasia of the Unconscious" expressed the continuity of "blood-stream" in the following paragraph: "And there it is a hard physiological fact. At the moment of our conception, the father nucleus fuses with the mother nucleus, and the wonder emanates, the new self, the new soul, the new individual cell. But in the new individual cell the father-germ and the mother-germ do not relinquish their identity. There they remain still, incorporated and never extinguished. And so, the blood-stream of race is one stream, forever."
So, I believe, is the blood-stream of shibas, "incorporated" from the past and "never extinguished" far into the future as long as the essence of shibas is retained by the new generations. It is in such never ending blood stream of a breed called Shiba-Inu, I find the greatest fascination and charm.
Having established the fact that the blood stream is never ending, one must be sensible and draw a line as to how far back we should look in to the origin of shibas. I believe the indigenous hunting dogs with which the founding members of Nippo established the breeding program seventy years ago should be regarded as the origin of Modern Shiba Inu.
Any pure breeds do change with time and environment as well as changes in what is fashionable at the time. However, as long as the shiba inu fanciers around the world retain a firm guideline to which we can go back to as a root, there will be a continuation of shibas as a pure breed for many years. My contention is that we should seek the root of modern shibas in the indigenous hunting dogs of the early Nippo days since the Standard was made according to the result of extensive researches of these dogs. The photos of Ishi Go and Naka Go, seem to me have Kan-i and Soboku qualities and we are told that these dogs had Ryousei quality as well. The ideal shibas, the total shibas and the complete shibas are all in the Standard of Shiba Inu as established by the pioneers of Nippo.
I welcome any questions or comments from the readers and together I hope we shall continue the never-ending journey of producing the "ideal" shiba.
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Сообщений : 443 Москва
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 21.12.11 7:43 | |
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| | | Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 21.12.11 16:20 | |
| Марина Л., я зарегистрировалась _________________________________________ Животные - очень милые друзья: не задают вопросов и не критикуют.
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| | | Марина Л. Активист
Сообщений : 443 Москва
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 21.12.11 17:46 | |
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| | | Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 21.12.11 18:09 | |
| Вижу спасибо, только я пока не очень поняла как там переводить? Напиши пож можно в личку если вам не сложно. _________________________________________ Животные - очень милые друзья: не задают вопросов и не критикуют.
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| | | Nozomi Модератор
Сообщений : 10312 Зеленоград
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 28.09.12 17:09 | |
| Dos lecturas del Shiba Inu por Dr. Elettra Grassi El Shiba Inu, sin duda, es una raza reciente en la historia de las exposiciones en Europa. Lo que causó el buen juicio de esta raza hasta la fecha, es la sólida tradición de una buena escuela para los jueces y la capacidad para interpretar el Estandard también por analogía con similares, así como, al final, la excelente capacidad de importación y raza demostrada por los amantes y los criaderos de esta antigua raza japonesa. La antigua tradición japonesa de juzgar al Shiba Inu es probablemente más instructivo. En este sentido reporto dos formas de expresar la opinión en el ring. El Sr. Saito, a la pregunta planteada, ¿cuáles son los caracteres tipo en el que un juez debe centrar la atención y cuáles son discriminatorias para ejecutar un buen juicio de los perros?, contestó que la importancia en el shiba es el absoluto equilibrio de las características para impresionar a un juez. En aquel entonces, el concepto expresado en el artículo anterior "Zibaldone en Shiba" de Elettra Grassi, publicado en el boletín de CIRN (CLUB ITALIANO RAZZE NORDICHE) nr32, destacaba cómo el Shiba es una raza cuyas dificultades de cría se encuentra en el mantenimiento de las características de forma armoniosa, en un promedio armónico en su expresión, sin que ninguno de ellos jamás sea predominante o peor, excesivo, haciendo la morfología pesada y empalagosa. Esto, continúa el Sr. Saito, debe dar el perro dos elementos importantes para toda la raza nipona: distinción, el orgullo y sobretodo dignidad. La morfología en el shiba unidas al temperamento debe expresar absolutamente estas tres cualidades. El Sr. Kume, estudioso de la raza, en su comentario al estándar, da estas indicaciones, expresada en forma analítica: cualidades esenciales y su expresión 15%; el equilibrio general de la figura 10%; cráneo, la cara y el cuello 15%; orejas 8%, ojos 4%; patas delanteras y pecho 10%; traseras 10%; tronco 10%; espalda y grupa 8%; cola 5%; textura del pelo y manto 5%. Y para detectar incluso el concepto de equilibrio de los caracteres: solo un 25% del juicio pesa en este sentido sobre la evaluación del sujeto. Ahora, es evidente que esta lectura del estándar siempre es una indicación al objetivo que es valorar el mejor sujeto, el que tiene la mejor expresión de tipicidad. Estos valores se refieren a la intensidad de la expresión del carácter: eso es porque el carácter se desvía de la expresión ideal; he aquí entonces el real balance del juicio del sujeto según estos parámetros. A modo de ejemplo, se describen dos ejemplos: uno que se refiere a un caso en que un tipo de carácter es completamente ausente, y una que muestra la evaluación de caracteres de acuerdo al rango que acabamos de exponer. Empecemos con el primer ejemplo. En la valoración de los carácteres, Mr. Kume atribuye a la cola el 5%. El estándar dispone claramente la descalificación del juicio por cola corta y pendiente. Las dos posiciones, por una lectura superficial y errada, parecerían no coincidir; ¿como podría un carácter cuyo valor máximo es el 5% determinar la exclusión del juicio? Sencillamente los valores dados por el comentario al estándar del Sr. Kume indican el valor a atribuir a aquel carácter sobre la valoración total del sujeto dentro del rango de tipicidad. Pero para poder hacer una valoración del carácter, el carácter mismo tiene que estar expresado. Y es evidente que una cola corta y pendiente es la falta total de un carácter tipo (si se trata de una postura normal), por lo tanto el estándar impone precisamente la exclusión del sujeto del juicio. Y éste está perfectamente en línea con las indicaciones de Mr Kume,en cuanto no estando presente, el carácter no es de hecho expresado,luego no es valorable. Pero cuidado: si la cola estuviera solo parcialmente correctos, entrarían en el rango de evaluación del caracter. Otro cosa sería el caso donde el perro por lo general lleva una cola correcta y la baje por factores ambientales (estrés, componente psicológico, etc.) Es evidente que el sujeto no está comprendido en el citado caso de exclusión del juicio. источник http://mishibainu.es/main.php?id=104 _________________________________________ Животные - очень милые друзья: не задают вопросов и не критикуют.
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| | | AlessandraMo Новичок
Сообщений : 49 italia
| Тема: Re: Нужен перевод!! 29.09.12 18:45 | |
| Добрый день!
Я опубликовала перевод первой статьи в разделе "Стандарт породы"
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